FWLD organized Interactive Workshop against Gender Based Violence in Rupandehi District, Province 5 from 19th to 23rd December, 2019 under the SAHAJ project. Representative from District Police Office, District Court, District government attorney office, Bhim Hospital, Legal Aid Lawyer, Vice Chair of Marchwari Rural Municipalities and Kotihimai Rural Municipalities, Judicial committee member of Mayadevi Rural Municipality, District Bar Association, journalist, representative from different nongovernmental organization, women and children network, mediator and other concerned stakeholders participated in the workshop. Advocate Sabin Shrestha, Advocate Bhupendra Khanal, Honorable Judge Rajya Laxmi Bajracharya (Tulsipur High Court, Butwal Bench) and Honorable Judge Matrika Maraseni (District Court, Rupandehi) conducted various sessions. The workshop was facilitated by Advocate Nagendra Basyal, Advocate Sagar Pathak and Advocate Sital Sijapati.