Discussion program on Nexus between Human Trafficking and Foreign Employment was held with key government stakeholders on 28 February, 2018. The program was chaired by Under Secretary of Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Roshani Devi Karki. A presentation was made by Mr. Krishna Jeevi Ghimire, Secretary of Government of Nepal on the issue. Media coverage http://www.hamroyatra.com/2018/02/news_62.html http://www.hamroyatra.com/2018/03/news_2.html https://corporatenepal.com/2018/03/64320 https://sunaulobihani.com/?p=1800 http://everestmission.com/?p=6914 https://thehimalayantimes.com/kathmandu/call-end-human-trafficking-guise-foreign-employment/