FWLD - Working for Non-Discrimination and Equality

Call for Proposal to develop infographic video

Expired Job

Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) under its project “Information and Support to the People without Civil Documentation” is seeking proposal from individuals/organizations to develop infographic video.

The infographic video should highlight Nepal Citizenship Act Amendment Bill, and explain why it is necessary to pass the Nepal Citizenship Act Amendment Bill.

The sealed proposal should be submitted preferably on or before October 23, 2020 during office hour, to FWLD’s office or via e-mail (pabita@fwld.org, santosh@fwld.org, or sushant@fwld.org)



FWLD anticipates the info graphic video unrolling by the end of November 2020.


The info graphic video will be minimum 5 minutes and maximum 10 ten minutes’ length.

Applicants should submit a concise package to FWLD’s office or via e-mail by October 23,2020 including following:

  • Examples of previous work and affiliations with any organizations for the similar work nature.
  • Recent Curriculum Vitae of key personnel’s engaged.
  • A concept note on how the info graphics would be made and projected amongst the wider public.
  • Tentative timeline for the phase wise info graphics making process.
  • Registration certificate under the law of Nepal.
  • Tax clearance certificate at least up to 75/76 fiscal year.

Target Audience:

The target audience would be the people at large. Namely we anticipate reaching the following target audience:

  1. Ministries, Government Stakeholders
  2. Government Bodies
  3. Civil Societies
  4. Lawyers
  5. Human Rights Activists/Social Activists
  6. Students
  7. Law Scholars, Professors
  8. Psycho social counselors


  • Prior experience of info graphics making
  • Ability to operate under strict time limits
  • Ability to work in both Nepali and English languages


Kindly consider proposing a tentative budget scale.

Language Usage/Style:

Since the subject matter touches on extremely sensitive concept, the info graphics video maker is strictly suggested to remain in the language sensitivity frame and use gender friendly terminologies.



FWLD will own the final product and retain all rights to use, edit and distribute it as it sees fit.