FWLD - Working for Non-Discrimination and Equality


Nepal’s Gender-Based Violence and Gender Equality-Related Funds: The Path to Effective Implementation
This study highlights the critical obstacles women and girls face in accessing essential relief and response services through Nepal’s GBV funds and other funds that serve to advance gender equality. The Government of Nepal’s establishment of a wide range of these funds over the past decade has been a significant accomplishment. However, there are serious challenges to the funds’ ability to function. They are essential tools for responding to GBV and protecting women’s rights and fundamental freedoms. Continued and persistent efforts, including better alignment of the funds’ legislative frameworks with Nepal’s federal context, are required to ensure their effective implementation and guarantee the rights of victims and survivors of GBV.


Exploring the E-Justice System in Nepal: Current Status and Future Prospects

E-Justice is a specific field under the more general umbrella of E-Government.1 E-justice is an emerging technology that has potentiality to revolutionize the way courts and legal systems operate. It is a relatively new concept in the judicial system. The main objectives of this study are: To map the status of e-justice/digitalization in the justice sector in the context of COVID19 pandemic and to explore the opportunities for the use of e-justice/digitalization in the justice sector.


Access to Justice of Women and Marginalized Group During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Impact Analysis

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted every aspect of daily life, including access to justice for women. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, women already faced significant barriers in accessing justice around the world, particularly in developing countries and marginalized communities. The main objectives of the study are: • To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to justice for women and marginalized groups • To map initiatives taken to address emerging challenges on access to justice during COVID-19 pandemic.


Legal Analysis on Nepalese Legal Provisions regarding Adoption

Over the few decades, adoption of children has expanded significantly, far exceeding the existing legal structures. This analytical paper evaluates Nepal’s adherence to both domestic legal systems and international obligations. The paper also examines the adoption-related legal frameworks of Australia, South Africa, and India and identify the issues that national laws should address.



A Study on Impact of Current Laws on Parenting and Child Custody

This study is conducted to better understand how parenting and child custody are currently being dealt with in Nepal and to assess how the laws stack up against others across the world. The main purpose of this study is to determine the international standards for parenting and child custody, identify the current national legal framework, and conduct a comparative analysis of these standards and regulations with the parenting and child custody laws of Nepal.



Mapping Study of Security and Justice System’s Response to Address Gender Based Violence

mapping study is undertaken as part of the Strengthening Access to Holistic, Gender Responsive and Accountable Justice in Nepal – SAHAJ project to understand the current capacity and functioning of the security and justice system to provide protection and services to the most at-risk women and girls in Nepal. One of the outcomes of the project is to enhance gender responsiveness and inclusiveness of security and justice services.

The purpose of the Mapping Study of Security and Justice System’s Response to Address Gender Based Violence (Study) is to better understand the changes that federalism has brought about in the security and justice systems in Nepal and to identify barriers and gaps in enhancing access to justice for survivors/victims of GBV. The Study primarily focusses on formal justice mechanisms and the referral services provided.

This study uses a broad definition of access to justice that is “access by people, in particular from poor and disadvantaged groups, to fair, effective, and accountable mechanisms for the protection of rights, control of abuse of power, and resolution of conflicts. This includes the ability of people to seek and obtain a remedy through justice systems.”


Periodically monitor the implementation of judicial decision/ verdicts and their effectiveness (2019/2020)

Periodically monitor the implementation of judicial decision/ verdicts and their effectiveness is undertaken as part of the Strengthening Access to Holistic, Gender Responsive and Accountable Justice in Nepal- SAHAJ project. This is a two-year research on the decision made by 14 district court and 37 local judicial committee of Province 2 and Lumbini province. The main objective of the research is to analyze the current situation of decision implementation.
