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Analysis of Nepalese Citizenship Laws from a Gender Perspective

Year of Publication : 2014

Various changes in Nepal have allowed for a remarkable increase in the awareness of women’s rights. Though political changes have created a conducive environment for raising issues of class, ethnicity and gender, it has been challenging to guarantee these rights in the constitution.

English Version:

Download: Analysis of Nepalese Citizenship Laws from a Gender Perspective

Nepali Version:

नेपालमा भएका विभिन्न प्रकारका परिवर्तनले महिलाहरुमा चेतनाको साथै महिला अधिकारको क्षेत्रमा परिवर्तन ल्याएको छ । राजनैतिक परिवर्तनले वर्गीय, जातीय र लैङ्गिक मुद्दा उठान गर्न सहज वातावरण बनाए पनि संविधानमा सुनिश्चित गराउन एक चुनौती बनेको छ ।

Download: Analysis of Nepalese Citizenship Laws from a Gender Perspective – Nepali