Today (12th May 2016) marking the 1st anniversary (sad to code) of second major quake that trembled the country last year causing loss of many lives and property, National Election Observation Committee (NEOC) in coordination with Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) and Justice for All (J4A) have organized a joint Press Meet bringing together journalist and reporters from different media houses, on several emerging issues on post-earthquake reconstruction process in Nepal. Secretary General of NEOC, Dr. Gopal Krishna Siwakoti facilitating the event has also shared many issues of critical concern on the ongoing reconstruction process, including but not limited to, on exclusion of some victims in the lists prepared for reconstruction grant, delay in the distribution of first installment, victims’ growing demand for increment in the reconstruction grant, lack of effective communication and information sharing mechanism from National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), problem associated with managerial and technical aspects in NRA’s functioning, lack of coordination, cooperation & support from other government agencies to the NRA and pressing need of local election to comprehend, support & democratize the overall reconstruction process. Among others vice-chairs of NEOC Prof. Kapil shrestha and Mr. Charan Prasai, Adv. Bishnu Bashyal (J4A), Ms. Manaslu Gurung (FWLD) have also put their important remarks. In the event many reporters/journalists have put their queries, comment & questions on the above mentioned issues making the floor more interactive.