FWLD - Working for Non-Discrimination and Equality

Interactive workshop and welcoming new MoWCSC minister

The interactive workshop organized by National Women Commission and supported by FWLD on several programs conducted for prevention on Gender Based Violence by National Women Commission and other several organizations relating to such issue & also to welcome Hon’ble Minister Parbat Gurung, Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens on 17th December 2019 at Hotel Himalaya, Kupondole. Hon’ble Minister attended the program as a chief guest, secretary Chandra Kumar Ghimire, Ministry of Women, Children and senior Citizens as a special guest & secretary of NWC, Dipendra Kafle, as a chairperson. The program briefly discussed on different forms of gender-based violence and harmful social norms through the presentation made by Mr. Dipendra Kafle-Secretary of National Women Commission, Mr. Sabin Shrestha- Executive Director-FWLD, Ms. Shika Shrestha- Head of Program- Inclusive Governance- VSO & President of FWLD Advocate Meera Dhungana. During the program Hon’ble Minister Parbat Gurung made a remark to work against all forms of violence and develop the strategy to overcome such harmful social norms.