FWLD - Working for Non-Discrimination and Equality

CEDAW Shadow Report writing meeting

The consultation meetings on the content and process for writing the CEDAW Shadow Report to get submitted in the main session was conducted on 17th July, 2018 at FWLD. Article 5 (Sex Role and Stereotype), Article 12 (Health) and Article 7 (Political and Public Life) of the CEDAW were discussed. Specifically, Radha Poudel Foundation, CAED, SAATHI and Sancharika Samuha on Article 5; RHRWG, IPAS Nepal, Sancharika Samuha, BBC Nepal, NDWA, KSL, CREHPA, WOREC, SMNF Nepal, MSI on Article 12; Didi Bahini, Jagaran Nepal, Sankalpa, NDWA, Restructuring Nepal and NEOC were involved in the discussion on Article 7.