FWLD - Working for Non-Discrimination and Equality

Call for Proposal for Production and Performance of Forum Theatre

March 11, 2023

Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) is seeking for proposal from Theatre Groups or Companies or Production Houses to create and perform a forum theatre that addresses issues related to citizenship and birth registration issues under the Support to People without Legal Identity Project. The technical and budget proposal should be kept in separate envelopes and must be sealed and authorized signature and both envelops should be kept in one single large envelop and it also must be sealed and authorized signature and should be submitted preferably on or before 17 March, 2023 by COB to FWLD Office.

Terms of Reference

Scope of Work

• To create a forum theatre production that address the challenges faced by individuals and their families due to lack of citizenship certificate and in accessing birth registration and citizenship rights.

• To develop script that should be engaging, informative and thought provoking, with a focus on empowering the audience to take action towards addressing the issue.

• To perfume a series of forum theatre in various locations of different districts (inside and outside Kathmandu valley)

• Duration of the production should be a total of one hour.

• The Performances must be in Nepali language


• Prior experience in producing and performing theatre productions inside and outside Kathmandu valley.

• Good understanding of the social issues especially those related to citizenship issues.

• Must be legally constituted and registered under the law of Nepal.


• Kindly consider proposing a budget scale to use edit and distribute it as it sees fit.

Required Documents

• Letter of Interest.

• Registration certificate under the law of Nepal.

• Tax clearance certificate at least up to 2078/79.

• Proposed Budget.

• Prior work sample.

Cost Bearing

FWLD will be bearing the cost of travel, lodging and food.